Events 2021
Creation of the Jean Zeitoun Endowment Fund and launching at La Maison des Polytechniciens in Paris
Jean Zeitoun Endowment Fund sponsors TECHNION astrophysics and quantum physics research departments.
On Saturday November 20th 2021, the date of Jean Zeitoun's birthday, the board of directors of the Endowment Fund allocates its first sponsorship to TECHNION and its astrophysics and quantum physics research centers by granting a scholarship.
Its aim is to finance a research project initiated by a student who prepares a master in these fields.

Technion - Mont Carmel - Haïfa
Source illustration : Technion-France, 2021
In November 2021, the Jean Zeitoun Endowment Fund sponsors TECHNION astrophysics and quantum physics research departments at La Maison des Polytechniciens in Paris.


Source illustrations : privée - 2021
On Saturday November 20th 2021, the date of Jean Zeitoun's birthday, the board of directors of the Endowment Fund allocates its first sponsorship to TECHNION and its astrophysics and quantum physics research centers by granting a scholarship. Its aim is to finance a research project initiated by a student who prepares a master in these fields..

Source illustration : privée - 2021

The Jean Zeitoun Endowment Fund board of directors (his sisters, Simone Scemama and Marlène Dreyfus, Guillaume Hérisson, Erwan Lauriot-Prévost, Agnès Huet and soon to be appointed, his cousin Jacqueline Bie, who was unable to attend the ceremony) welcomes Pr Jacques Lewiner Technion-France president– 20/11/2021
Source : privée
The TECHNION institute is a prestigious research center. Teachers and researchers who belong to the institute are themselves initiators of many discoveries and scientific breakthroughs in the fields of cosmology and sciences of the universe. Jean would have agreed to this choice especially since he visited this institute in the early sixties when he was completing an internship in Israël as a student of l'Ecole polytechnique. Since then, he kept regularly updated on their researches. This is why we are proud to acknowledge, through the TECHNION, the man of Enlightenment that Jean Zeitoun was, with all the qualities of intelligence, curiosity and tenacity which inspired him in his personal life as well as in his works.
On November 20th 2021, the Jean Zeitoun Endowment Fund presents Professor Jacques Lewiner, TECHNION-France president with the 50 000€ scholarship to support the Institute research projects.
Pr Jacques LEWINER, a physician, Docteur Honoris Causa at Technion, chevalier de la Légion d’honneur in 2002, promoted to the rank of officier in January 2020, is himself the initiator of many scientific discoveries. He has taken part in the founding of several start-ups including Inventel (Livebox) and Withing (objects connected to health), Cynove (high performance cameras), Cytoo (cellular biology) and innovations in telecoms networks in particular (DECT norm, Bluetooth...). No doubt Jean would have shared Pr Lewiner's ambitions for enabling collaboration and synergy in research between France and Israël, free from the French academic world's rigidity that they both had been faced with.
On Saturday November 20th 2021, the date of Jean Zeitoun's birthday, the board of directors of the Endowment Fund allocates its first sponsorship to TECHNION and its astrophysics and quantum physics research centers by granting a scholarship. Its aim is to finance a research project initiated by a student who prepares a master in these fields.

Professeur Jacques LEWINER, TECHNION-France president is presented with Jean Zeitoun Endowment Fund sponsorship cheque - 20/11/2021
Source : privée

Valérie SABAH, General Manager and Pr. Jacques LEWINER, Président, TECHNION-France -20/11/2021
Source : privée
Valérie Sabah, General Manager of TECHNION-France, who, with her colleagues Lisa Conrard and Ophir Darki, has helped organize this hommage with great efficiency, describes the research activities of the TECHNION in the sciences of the universe, cosmology and quantum physics fields and expounds what the Endowment Fund financial support will be used for.
She presents Agnès Huet, the Endowment Fund president with a superb commemorative plaque to honor Jean Zeitoun. It is a model of the one which will be placed in one of the TECHNION rooms in Haïfa.

Commemorative plaque to honor Jean Zeitounà presents by Valérie SABAH,, General Manager of TECHNION-France - 20/11/2021 Source : privée
Professor Alon WOLF, TECHNION Vice-President has sent a letter to thank the Endowment Fund for its financial contribution to the institute research projects.

Jean Zeitoun's family and friends share the tribute paid to Jean Zeitoun with warmth and feeling at La Maison des Polytechniciens.

20/11/2021 - Source : private